Don't waste your time or time will waste you

- Eric Edmead, Entrepreneurship Coach

"Generosity doesn't always mean Free and it doesn't mean Yes. It means that you're going to expend emotional labor to make something better for someone else"

- Seth Godin, Writer & Marketing Expert

Dog Show

Competition Work - NAILPRO USA

Fantasy Design Category - 1st Place 2012 IBS Las Vegas


Competition Work - NAILPRO USA

Fantasy Design Category - 1st Place 2011 IBS Las Vegas

Kentucky Derby

Competition Work - NAILPRO USA

Fantasy Design Category - 1st Place 2011 Premiere Orlando

Roaring 20's

Competition Work - NAILPRO USA

Fantasy Design Category - 1st Place 2010 Premiere Orlando

Psychedelic 60's

Competition Work - NAILPRO USA

Fantasy Design Category - 1st Place 2009 Premiere Orlando

Mother Nature

Competition Work - GLOBAL NAIL CUP KOREA

Mixed Media Design Category - 1st Place 2009 South Korea

Vegas Show - Cirque

Competition Work - NAILPRO USA

Fantasy Design Category - 1st Place 2008 IBS Las Vegas

Nailing Art 1 (Front)

Salon Style Nail Art Instruction Book

Published 2013

Nailing Art 1 (Back)

Salon Style Nail Art Instruction Book

Published 2013

NailQouture (Front)

Nail Designing Instruction Book

Published 2011

NailQouture (Back)

Nails Designing Instruction Book

Published 2011

NAILQ Signature

Nail Art & Design Handbook

Published 2012

Nail It!

Nail Design Book

Published 2009


My goal in all my online classes is to really think about what's going to be your biggest takeaway and outcome.

How many of you would like me to get rid of the overwhelm and just give you our exact easy-to-follow process for creating art on your nails or on your bakes ?

Realistic Flower Piping

Buttercream, Beanpaste cream, Chocolate Cream Recipes

3D Flowers

Sugarpaste, Beanpaste, Wafer Paper Techniques

3D Sculpture

Sugarpaste Techniques

Creative Macarons

French, Italian Recipes

3D Jelly Art

Jelly Art Cakes



- Albert Einstein

Success is liking yourself, liking what you do and liking how you do it. I've made enough mistakes and wasted enough time so that you do not need to !

My classes simplify things for you so that you can jump right in and get started after some practise.

Flat 3D Nail Art

Colored Acrylic

Aquarelle Painting

Faces & Fauna

Foil Art

Color Gels


Gel Polish, Gel Sculpturing

Designer Nails

Acrylic / Gel Sculpturing

Stylograph Technique

Pop Art, Linear Art

Design Sculpture

Gel, Acrylic, Mixed Media

Long Nails / Nail Shapes

Customized Nails

Fashion Nails

Modern Nail Art, New Trends

Salon Style

Gel, Natural Nail Overlay

One Stroke / Folk Art Painting

Gel Paint, Acrylic Paint

Nail Art Painting

Gel Paint, Acrylic Paint


Learning the theory and techniques of creating colourful and aesthetic works of art using flowers as a medium of expression is a given in any course.

I am always curious as to how to keep my floral arrangements and floral crafts fresh and durable for its purpose in and out of water especially in our hot and humid weather.

Look forward to my classes on floral and botanical displays, floral jewelry, corsages, floral tattoos and wearables with imported as well as tropical flowers!

Preserved Real Flowers

Lasts up to 5 years in optimal conditions

Fresh Flowers

Fresh Wearables

Creating wearables with fresh botanicals that will last for the day much like a wedding corsage.